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The following topics helps you to access and use the portal effectively.

Sections of this Portal

The portal provides information related to six verticals / domains. They are Agriculture, Health, Education, e-Governance, Social welfare and Energy. A brief summary of the information provided under each vertical / domain is given below.



The Agriculture section covers agricultural credit, policies and schemes, production technologies, animal husbandry and fisheries, weather and market information, best practices, on and off farm enterprises and a database of agricultural institutions.


The Health section focuses on women and child health besides various other topics such as sanitation, common diseases, policies and schemes, first aid and mental health.


The education section provides learning resources to children and teachers covering the aspects of Child rights and quality education.


The e-Governance section provides one stop information access to available online citizen services, state specific e-Governance initiatives, mobile governance, RTI etc.

Social Welfare

The social welfare section provides information related to women and child development, welfare of scheduled castes and tribes, minority, disabled and senior citizens, poverty alleviation and disaster management.


The energy section provides information on technologies, best practices, policies and schemes and database related to energy conservation, improved energy efficiency and enhanced energy production from renewable sources.

Online Services


e-Vyapar is a buyer-seller platform which facilitates information exchange between buyers and sellers. It hence serves as a virtual market place that facilitates communities to buy/sell their products among a wider audience. Users are welcome to post items which they intend to buy / sell.

Ask an Expert (AAE)

The Ask an Expert application seeks to connect the experts and users in an authentic, efficient and coordinated manner. It is developed with the objective of providing personalized services to the users who seek authentic and prompt response to their queries on areas related to their livelihood security. Currently, users are welcome to post their queries related to Agriculture, Education and e-Governance.

General Knowledge Quiz

This Online Quiz is developed with an aim to encourage children to check their general knowledge levels and thereby improve their performance and confidence. Children studying in 3rd to 10th class can participate in this quiz programme.


This web based service helps users to manage / plan their major financial activities by sending in SMS or email alerts to remind them of pending payments / maturity of their financial products.

VLE - Corner

This platform provides a platform exclusively for Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) of the Common Service Centres across India to share their experiences and discuss on areas of their interest. It also provides useful resources for the benefit of VLEs.

e-Learning courses

To build the knowledge and skills of women, children, youth and under-served communities, several multilingual courses are offered in the areas of Agriculture, Right to Information, Financial Inclusion, etc

Mobile based Maternal Health Awareness - MOTHER

‘MOTHER’ is a mobile based service that can be used to provide personalized voice messages on ante-natal, post-natal and childcare, directly to the pregnant and lactating women on their mobile phones.

Learning Resources

Digital Learning Resources for Children

Digital learning resources on science, maths, language, etc developed by several agencies are offered here for the benefit of users.

Sisu Samrakshak

Sisu Samrakshak is a multilingual multimedia presentation developed by UNICEF. It provides information related to pregnant, lactating women, new born and pre-school child care.

Fundamental of IT for Knowledge Centre Operators

This manual covers the topics including Fundamentals of Computers, Internet concepts & email, Keyboard shortcuts, useful website directory and local language computing. The manual is available in Hindi, Telugu and English.

Basic Hardware Troubleshooting

This manual provides information and useful tips on hardware troubleshooting. The manual is available in Hindi, Telugu and English.

Multimedia Products

Nutrition and Health

This comprehensive multilingual CD has been developed in association with National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), a premier nutrition research institute under Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). The content in the CD is aligned under four key heads - Know your food; Nutrient requirement and their sources; Food and diseases and; Food safety.This CD will be useful to community health workers, paramedics and medical professionals, students, housewives and all those who are interested in knowing about the food they eat and its role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The CD is available in six Indian languages, besides English.

Production of Medicinal,Aromatic & Dye Crops

This interactive CD covers information on 54 commercially important medicinal, aromatic and dye crops including those prioritized by National Medicinal Plants Board. Provides comprehensive information related to production, products and marketing in local languages. The product is available in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and English.

Guidelines for reducing risks in tail end rice cultivation

This multimedia CD, developed in association with CCD, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, gives an overview of a four-point strategy addressing the core need of reducing disaster impacts,. This evolved over four years of a participatory experiment with farmers in the tsunami-affected Cauvery delta region of Tamil Nadu. The CD also gives a brief overview of helpful methodologies used in implementing these strategies. This multimedia resource can be used as a self-learning tool and also as a training module for field-based development workers, researchers and extension officials. The product is available in Tamil and English.

Susthira Vyavasayam

This product deals with sustainable crop production practices with lots of illustrations and field oriented videos. It is a useful material for the farmers and NGOs. The content is supported by Centre for Sustainable Agriculture and SERP, Hyderabad. The product is available in Telugu.

Using Search Facility

Search Functionality

The search functionality helps users to access the content of their requirement quickly. It is available in each and every page of the portal. This facility helps to search the portal content only and not that of the internet.

This functionality in the portal allows users to search using the following:

  • Specific letters or a word / phrase.
  • Space between the words/phrases.
  • Operators (like and, or) among the words.
Live Search

Live Search functionality enhances the power of search in the portal. While typing the letters in the search box, the whole search simplifies and submits all possible matches in the search widget. This live feedback on searching makes finding content much faster and much more effective.

Using the portal

Whatever is existing in the portal has been made possible by people who volunteered to contribute information, images, files and any other data in the area of their expertise. The portal supports 4 distinct types of users:

  • Anonymous User
  • Registered Member
  • Content Contributor
  • Content Reviewer
The following sections describe in brief the privileges of each type of user:

Anonymous User

As an anonymous user, you can

  • Browse content
  • Search Content
  • Share content via email / social media
  • Rate a Page
    • Scroll down to the end of the page
    • Click on a ‘Star’ for that page at the ‘Page Rating’ section
  • Participate in discussion forum
    • Click on the discussion forum listed in the menu of each vertical / domain. Users can also access the discussion forum by clicking on the option present in the on-the-fly bar available in the right side of the webpage.
    • Users can respond to an existing discussion thread and create new threads.
  • Provide suggestions / Comments for a Page
    • Scroll down to the end of the page
    • Enter your Name and suggestions in the ‘Post Your Suggestion’ section
    • Click on “Submit’
  • Vote in Polls
    • Click on ‘Opinion Poll’ in the ‘Home Page’
    • Click on your choice and ‘Vote’
    • Click on “Previous Polls’ to see previous polls conducted
  • Subscribe for Newsletter
    • Click on ‘Subscribe to Newsletter in the ‘Home Page’
    • Enter your email-id and ‘Submit’
  • Provide ‘Feedback’ on the portal
    • Click on ‘Give your Feedback’ in the ‘Home Page’
    • Enter your ‘Name’, email-id and the feedback
    • Click on Submit
  • Subscribe to RSS feed
    • Scroll down to the footer of the page
    • Click on the RSS icon
    • Subscribe to any domain to get instant updates
  • Become a Member or a Content Contributor
    • Click on “Register’ at the top right-hand corner
    • Choose the option – Member or CC
    • Fill in the details
    • Click on ‘Register’

    Watch the above process in this Video clip

    Registered Member

    As a registered member, you get the all the above privileges of an anonymous user. In addition, you can:

    • Update your profile
      • Click on your username displayed at the top right end
      • Click on the ‘Profile’ from the drop-down list
      • Your profile is displayed and you can make the relevant changes
    • Customise your dashboard
      • Click on your username displayed at the top right end
      • Click on the ‘Dashboard’ from the drop-down list
      • Default view of the dashboard is displayed
      • Click on “Edit” option to customize the dashboard
    • View your contributions
      • Click on your username displayed at the top right end
      • Click on the ‘My Contributions’ from the drop-down list
      • All your contributions - feedback, suggestions, discussion points are displayed
    • Discuss Topics in forums
      • Click on a discussion forum in any of the domain
      • Choose a discussion forum of your interest
      • View the topics listed under the forum
      • Choose a topic of your interest
      • View the discussions and click on “reply to this’ to give your opinion

Content Contributor

As a content contributor, you get the all the above privileges of a registered member. In addition, you can:

  • Add content pages
    • You can add a new page in the domain that you are approved as Content-Contributor
    • Please click on “Add New” option available in the menu page under which you want to add the new page
    • Enter the ‘Title’, ‘Summary’ for the page and start entering the content in ‘Body Text’
    • Click on “Save’
  • Edit content pages
    • You can edit the pages in the domain that you are approved as Content-Contributor
    • Please check for the state of the page in the top right corner of the “green band” ; You can edit the pages which are in “Open for Edit” or “Review in Process” states
    • Click on “Edit” and a ‘Edit” window will be displayed; Make the relevant changes
    • Click of “Save’

Content Reviewer

As a Content reviewer, you get the all the above privileges of a Content Contributor. In addition, you can:

  • View Recent Items
    • Click on your username displayed at the top right end
    • Click on the ‘Recent Items’ from the drop-down list
    • All pages that underwent change are listed
  • View Review List
    • Click on your username displayed at the top right end
    • Click on the ‘Review List’ from the drop-down list
    • All pages that underwent change and need to be reviewed are listed
  • Review / Edit content page
    • You canreview pages in the domain that you are approved as ‘Content Reviewer’
    • Click on ‘History(Edit)’ to see the history of changes made to a page
    • Review the changes made
    • Click on‘Reviewed Date’
    • Add date of review
    • If all changes are reviewed, change state to ‘Publish’ else change state to“Review and then click on 'Save'

ᱢᱩᱪᱟᱫ ᱵᱚᱫᱚᱞ ᱟᱨᱩ : 1/12/2016

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